I recently went through all the Potter novels in a very short time. The translation of Prisoner of Azkaban was atrocious but the others were decent I thought. Shame I bought them in Swedish as I quickly realized that The Dude would not read anything past Prisoner of Azkaban in a few years. He's six now and really afraid of being alone and in the dark. Reading about Voldemort rising from the grave (in Goblet of fire) certainly wouldn't help him any. The most recent one, The Half-Blood Prince, I read in English as I prefer to do and as I rather enjoyed the whole trip I felt a bit let down by it. I've previsously only rarely managed to second-guess Rowling but with this one I saw almost everything coming several hundred pages away. I'm also fairly certain I've figured out what will happen next. Aren't I clever? Not really, but the plot did feel much more forced this time and going over the same old ground.
Thank the gods I started a blog about football so I could get this off my chest.